The Water Cannon has 8 built in nozzlesEZ Jet Water Cannon turns your garden hoseinto a powerful pressure washer. Blast away dirt from cars, windows, siding, outdoor furniture, and more.
Add your owncleaner or soap concentrate to the built-in reservoir.
Rotatingnozzle on the 8" telescoping arm offers eight different spraysettings.
If you need a multi-functional hose nozzle for watering andcleaning around your home, the EZ Jet Water Cannon As SeenOn TV is a perfect choice. It works best with heavy hoses ratherthan coiled hoses and does not require electricity or a motor. Blast dirt & grime off outdoor surfaces or give delicate plants agentle rain.
Dia punya setting ada 8 lubang.. 1. Jet, 2. Precision Jet, 3. Mist, 4. Rain, 5. Angled Fan, 6. Horizontel Fan,
7. Vertical Fan, 8 Soaker
Best Price RM68 Free Poslaju Within Malaysia
Berminat sila SmS @ CaLL MR. Nur Reyzal 016 8722549